GOLO Supports Local Charities in Nevada

GOLO recently provided $20,000 in donations to local organizations in Nevada, with $10,000 each to Three Square Food Bank and Special Olympics of Nevada. The funding will support various initiatives in the local community, including programs to combat childhood hunger and efforts to promote healthy lifestyles and healthcare for athletes with special needs. 

About GOLO

GOLO empowers individuals and communities by helping them take control of their health and wellness. Click HERE to learn more about our charitable giving initiatives.

Marvin Mack
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GOLO Helped Michael Get Back to his Competitive Racing Weight

Michael is a marathon runner and self-proclaimed 'exercise maniac.' But over a 17-month period he experienced health complications that caused him to gain 60 pounds. Despite seeing a number of specialists, nothing helped him lose weight. He was at his wit's end and willing to try anything. That's when he found GOLO.

Eden Covington
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Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress

Long workdays. Hectic schedules. Busy family life. Even if you're living a healthy lifestyle, you still have a lot on your plate. And while you can't control what life throws your way, you can control what you do about it.

Jennifer Brooks
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The benefits of stretching

Adding physical activity to your daily routine can enhance your healthy lifestyle. But that doesn't mean you need to spend hours at the gym. One of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do for your body is to stretch. In this article, you'll learn the benefits of stretching, different types of stretches, the best time to stretch, and more!

Sarah Lennon
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GOLO donates to three community-based organizations

As part of our commitment to support community-based initiatives, GOLO, recently donated $60,000 across three national organizations: One Warm Coat, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, and Wounded Warriors Family Support. The funding will focus on various initiatives, including coat drives for children and families, support programs for children with cancer, and veterans' services.
Marvin Mack
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How many moms could fit into their daughter's prom dress?

Sharon usually wore 'comfortable clothes' before starting GOLO, but she never felt comfortable in her own skin. She tried doing fad diets, but nothing made her body feel right. And as soon as she stopped, she'd put the weight back on. But with GOLO, something felt different.

Eden Covington
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GOLO success story embraces disc golf as fun activity that keeps him moving

GOLO success story Steve Wyatt is a passionate disc golfer who competes in several tournaments throughout the year, including the Professional Golf Disc Association (PDGA) Tim Selinske US Masters event. Steve’s interest in disc golf began as he searched for new ways to stay fit and active while on his path to achieving a healthier lifestyle.
Marvin Mack
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GOLO supports local charities and community-based organizations in New Castle County

As part of our ongoing commitment to support local community-based initiatives, GOLO recently donated over $100K across seven organizations in our corporate home state of Delaware.
Marvin Mack
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