Live Your Best GOLO Life Feeling Better Than Ever

Live Your Best GOLO Life Feeling Better Than Ever

Whether you’re gathering with friends and family for parties, celebrating holidays, or going on vacation, your summer schedule will soon be packed with special events that you may have missed out on over the past few years.

However, this could have you feeling conflicted. While it may be exciting to see people face to face again, you could also be feeling the stress of participating in social gatherings after gaining extra weight.

Whatever your plans are, here are a few things you can do to look and feel your best this summer and beyond.

How to Eat Healthy at Social Gatherings

Enjoying some fun in the sun is what summer is all about. But all that socializing means there will be a lot of opportunities to eat.

We encourage you to make healthy food choices and continue to build balanced meals no matter what situation you find yourself in. It’s not as hard as you might think!

Family Grilling together

Celebrations and Parties

At parties, fill up on colorful veggies, lean protein from the grill, and if you can, stick to homemade condiments and dressings. If you’re eating something on a bun, make sure it’s whole wheat, or skip the bun altogether, and go with fruit for your dessert. 

Outdoor Events:

Outdoor events like a concert or ballgame may have limited options, but fresh fruit, nuts, popcorn, or grilled chicken are good choices.

If you’re unsure what type of food will be available, eating beforehand, either at home or while tailgating in the parking lot, is a good idea. There are plenty of GOLO recipes you bring with you or make at the venue that are perfect for an outdoor meal. A large gathering of people watching an outdoor movie


What’s nice about weddings is that, for the most part, you can go in with a plan. If you’ve picked out your entrée beforehand, then you know what you’ll be eating before sitting down at your table. It’s generally best to go with the fish as long as it’s not breaded or fried.

During the cocktail hour, be selective. Stick with grilled veggies, chicken skewers, steamed food, and shrimp. Avoid anything fried.

If you’re attending a buffet wedding, see if you can browse what’s available before getting in line. You can even take up a smaller plate so you won’t overdo it when building your meal.

Enjoying a piece of wedding cake is perfectly fine. The same goes for toasting the happy couple with a glass of champagne. GOLO is a lifestyle and we want you to live life and enjoy, don’t allow one event turn into a week of bad choices and you will be just fine!

a couple dancing at an outdoor wedding

Dining out at restaurants

At restaurants, stick to healthy sides, veggie-based entrees or entrees that are baked, broiled, or grilled instead of fried, and avoid heavy sauces.

It’s also good to limit or avoid alcohol since they tend to be high in sugar and empty calories.

Don’t let your weight loss journey get in the way of eating out with friends. There are plenty of healthy options from familiar restaurants that are in line with balanced GOLO meals that you can enjoy.

Be Mindful and Enjoy Yourself

When you’re at a social event, remember to be mindful and check out all the available food options. If you aren’t sure if there will be healthy options, volunteer to bring your favorite healthy dish or fill up on a balanced meal beforehand. You can enjoy yourself without going overboard. And remember to have your Release Supplement on hand to take with each meal.

Note, if there is something at a party or on the menu that will make your celebration extra special, don’t be afraid to indulge. Just be mindful of portions and make sure you fill up on the good stuff first. 

a group of people laughing while enjoying watermelon

 Back to Basics with GOLO

GOLO has always been about getting ‘back to the basics’ when it comes to food. This means eating balanced meals of protein, carbs, healthy fats, and vegetables without cutting food groups or counting calories. The key to following the GOLO for Life plan is balance.

The same can be said about going out and being social. Create a sense of balance for yourself by having a plan, enjoying yourself, and not overdoing it. That way, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can get back to your routine feeling better than ever.


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Tagged with: Healthy Living