7 fall wellness tips to help you stay healthy this season

7 fall wellness tips to help you stay healthy this season

As the cooler weather approaches, the shift from summer to fall is a great opportunity to reflect on the progress you've made this year. Perhaps eating healthy, balanced meals has you feeling more comfortable and confident in your clothes. Or the summer sun has allowed you to be more active and enjoy the great outdoors.

This transition is also the perfect time to think about how you can build on the momentum of a successful summer and continue it through the fall and beyond!

With that in mind, here are seven things you can do to help you stay consistent with your healthy lifestyle as the season changes.

1. Get back to your routine.

For most of us, the summer schedule tends to be a bit more relaxed. When school is out and vacations are planned, it can be harder to stick to a set schedule.

But transitioning from summer to fall could make it easier to get back into a routine. Having a routine allows you to be more diligent about meal planning. It also provides an opportunity to solidify healthy habits like getting enough sleep and adding physical activity to your calendar.

If a busy schedule has you feeling crunched for time, you could plan ahead with these delicious slow cooker recipes so that dinner will be ready when you get home.

2. Seek out fall foliage.

One of the best parts about fall is the changing of the leaves. If you're lucky enough to live in an area where you can see some fantastic fall foliage, take a walk outside and enjoy the view. If you live in a warmer climate where leaves are less vibrant, you can at least take advantage of the milder temperatures by getting outside and going for a walk or a hike.

3. Enjoy fall festivities.

Fall is full of fun outdoor activities you can do to get your body moving. Plan a trip to your local farm for pumpkin picking, apple picking, or finding your way through a corn maze with your kids or grandkids.

Of course, not every activity you can do in the fall will be 'fun'. But raking leaves and getting your house 'winter ready' is a great way to stay active while getting necessary chores crossed off your to-do list.

4. Check out fresh TV schedules.

We've mentioned before that it's a good habit to sneak exercise into your day if you're watching TV, and there's no better time to do that than in the fall!

There are plenty of shows that debut in the fall, as well as new seasons of your favorite sitcoms and reality shows. Not to mention sports, especially on Sundays. So, take advantage of this time in front of the tube by doing some physical activity.

5. Eat seasonal foods that support immunity.

They don't call fall 'harvest season' for nothing, and with all the seasonal fruits and veggies available this time of year, it's easy to include them in your healthy lifestyle. 

Remember, the more whole foods you eat, the better since they have lots of vitamins and nutrients to help keep your body healthy.

Seasonal fall fruits and veggies:

  • Fruit: Apples, cranberries, kiwifruit, lemons, limes, and raspberries
  • Root Vegetables: Beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, and radishes
  • Leafy greens: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale
  • Squash: Pumpkin, butternut, and acorn
  • Other Vegetables: Cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, mushrooms, peas, and onions.

Apples are one of the most popular fall foods. Whether you go apple picking or head to your local farm or grocer to get in-season apples, be sure to use them in our delicious GOLO Apple Baked Oatmeal.

Carving pumpkins for Halloween? Don't forget to save the seeds! Pumpkin seeds are loaded with fiber and protein and are great for roasting. There are, of course, plenty of healthy recipes you can make with pumpkin.

6. Enjoy pumpkin spice the healthy way!

One thing you'll be inundated with this season is pumpkin-flavored drinks at your local coffee spot. As a healthy (and cheaper) alternative, try making a pumpkin spice chai tea at home or make your own pumpkin spice coffee with GOLO's Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer.

7. Don't let Halloween scare you!

Despite all the healthy options available during the fall, the presence of Halloween candy is almost unavoidable. 

But you don't have to be afraid of Halloween! GOLO has a great Halloween Survival Guide available with lots of helpful tips. But our best advice is to be mindful. If you do choose to have a treat, don't feel guilty. Simply limit how many you have by choosing one or two of your absolute favorites, then focus on having a complete, balanced meal the next time you eat.

Invest in yourself now so you will be prepared for the holidays.

It may seem further off than you think, but one thing is for sure: Winter is coming! And with it, the holidays. 

The holiday season can be both a stressful and joyful time for many, and a lot of the stress may come from worrying about maintaining your healthy lifestyle during big holiday meals. That's why it's so important to invest in your health now. By carrying the momentum of a healthy summer straight through fall, your body and mind will be in great shape when the holidays come.

Sticking with your healthy lifestyle means you can feel better and look your best for family get-togethers. And when the holidays are over, you'll be more prepared to get back on track after big holiday meals.

Remember, investing in yourself now means a happier, healthier you in the future. 

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Tagged with: Healthy Living