Chris before and after picture. Before picture is Chris in a suit. After picture is Chris looking fit on a bike.

This Retired Teacher Made the Smart Choice to Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

As a teacher, Chris never had a problem being in front of people. But after a car accident limited his mobility, he was stuck at home all day and started eating poorly. Eventually, his unhealthy eating habits caught up with him. After gaining weight, he wasn't happy with the way he look or how he felt, and became more self-conscious. He knew he needed to make a change.

Chris tried a few different diets, including keto and intermittent fasting, but found that they were too drastic or difficult to follow. Eventually, his cravings would get the best of him and he’d give up.

That’s when he saw GOLO on TV, did some research, and decided to give it a try.

“I really liked that GOLO didn’t make you dependent on a shot for the rest of your life and that there weren’t any side effects with Release. Plus, I wanted something I could do on my own without a nutritionist or expensive meal plan.”

Chris was a little skeptical at first, but when he started seeing results, his attitude changed.

“When I lost the first few pounds, I knew this was real and decided that I would really commit myself to the program. When I did that, the weight just seemed to steadily and continuously come off.”

One of the biggest differences Chris noticed was his cravings. He was snacking less and didn’t crave sugar like before. And even though he was paying more attention to his nutrition, he never felt like he had to do anything drastic to lose weight.

“My change in diet with GOLO was not drastic. It was very easy to incorporate into my lifestyle. Plus, I don't have to spend a lot of time making meals and I don't have to deprive myself. And I was still able to drop more weight than I anticipated.”

Weight loss wasn’t the only thing Chris benefited from. He started sleeping better, had more energy, and felt healthier. And best of all, he was able to exercise again.

“Before I was on the GOLO program, I had a lot of trouble with mobility as a result of my accident, and I found it difficult to even walk around the block. And now I'm cycling every day.”

Chris is thankful he learned the importance of proper nutrition and physical activity. And there’s no doubt that his life has changed for the better thanks to his commitment to GOLO.

“GOLO was truly transformative. Before I lost weight, I was sitting on my couch, I didn’t have any energy, and I didn’t want anyone to see me. Now, my life has changed dramatically. I feel so much more outgoing and confident. I'm out and about, meeting people, cycling, and being active. And for that, I thank GOLO."

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