Nancy Before and After Photo

Nancy had an important reason to lose weight and get back her energy

When Nancy was at her heaviest, she knew she needed a change. Unable to keep up with her five grandchildren, she felt like she was heading towards long-term health issues like heart disease. As a nurse, she knew she had to do something to improve her body and her mindset.

Initially, Nancy lost weight thanks to routine exercise and an improved diet. But she could never settle on an eating plan that could keep the weight off.

“I did the low carb diets, the fasting diets, and, even against my better judgment, tried skipping meals. I lost weight several times but was not able to maintain it.”

After gaining back all the weight she’d lost, Nancy felt like she was losing control of her life.

“I had no motivation and no energy. I would come home from work and want to go to sleep. I was even too tired to play with my grandchildren.”

It was at this point that Nancy learned about GOLO.

“I read all the information on GOLO and it sounded like a great plan. As a nurse, it just made sense.”

Nancy says she lost weight in her first week, which motivated her to buckle down and stick with the GOLO for Life Plan.

Nancy's dedication helped her lose 80 pounds in 11 months.

“Losing 80 pounds in less than a year has made me feel wonderful. I have so much more energy and I feel younger than ever.”

Nancy claims that GOLO has been easier to stick with than other diets because she wasn't eating diet food.

"GOLO has given me a whole new way of thinking about food. I've learned portion control. I've learned what food groups I need to put together and it's worked."

Nancy’s been able to reach her goal weight, and, more importantly, keep it off. Now she’s finally able to do the things she felt like she’d been missing out on.

“With GOLO, my lifestyle has changed 100%. I work every day, I exercise every day, and I am able to keep up with my grandchildren."

If you feel like you’ve been struggling to lose weight or feel frustrated, Nancy suggests that you remind yourself why you want to lose weight and to do it for yourself, not to please others. She also suggests that when you’re starting out to “stay true to the GOLO Plan and be patient!”

Nancy's experience with GOLO has been life-changing!

“I feel like I am able to participate in life now. I'm not sitting on the sidelines watching it pass by. My husband always tells me how proud he is that I’ve been able to stay on track and reach the goals I’ve set for myself. I love hearing that!”

Tagged with: Success Stories