Jamey's GOLO Journey

A Kinder Approach to Weight Loss

ABy: Maria Amado

People often think maintaining a healthy weight is simply about looks while ignoring the catastrophic health consequences caused by obesity. Our GOLO customer, Jamey Coggins, put it best: “I had years of struggle, and I was desperate to get back to a healthier weight to take the stress out of my body.”

Jamey was a victim to a laundry list of health issues. At 228 pounds, the complications began to scare her. “I was short of breath with no energy and my cholesterol reached a dangerous level of 265 LDL,” she said.

Her final warning came when she experienced several TIA strokes. “The underlying cause of a TIA often is a buildup of cholesterol-containing fatty deposits called plaques (atherosclerosis) in an artery or one of its branches that supplies oxygen and nutrients to your brain,” according to the Mayo Clinic. “Plaques can decrease the blood flow through an artery or lead to the development of a clot.” Many people may have this without even knowing it.

Along with her cholesterol, she had back fusion surgery in February 2018 followed by a knee procedure in November 2019. She and her husband wanted to return to their active lifestyle –– but Jamey needed to get healthy first. She had also just become a grandmother, making it vital for her to keep up with her grandchild. Luckily, Jamey came across GOLO one evening while watching television.

Her journey hasn’t been easy, but she treats herself with kindness. “From someone who has been on every diet out there and succeeded only to fail, the slow but steady pace at first was hard,” she said. “But I knew this was the correct way to lose weight. I stuck with it, and I continue to drop it off.”

Nowadays, she couldn’t be happier because her progress is real. As of March 2020, she is down 46 pounds. Even better, her cholesterol is down to 125 with an LDL of 60!

“GOLO opened my eyes to correct portions and not to consider anything bad or off-limits,” she says. “The Release tablets helped me with hunger between meals. GOLO’s community and personalized customer support have been a great source, too.”

Inspired by Jamey, check out these tips for a sustainable and kinder approach to weight loss.

1. Remember your why.

If you remember the main reason you started your weight loss journey, you will stay motivated –– and will remain true to better habits. Your why could be keeping up with your grandkids, a half marathon you always wanted to run, or lowering your cholesterol. Whatever motivates you and keeps you going is your why.

2. Find a plan that provides support.

It’s best to find a realistic plan that fits you. That’s where GOLO comes in; you get to choose foods you enjoy, and as your metabolism improves, your body will steadily burn fat instead of storing it. GOLO also includes a support team to offer help every step of the way!

3. Be aware of what triggers you.

Are you scared of the scale? Do Mondays gives you anxiety? Do you have too much free time that leads to boredom and overeating? Find what triggers you, and then search for a healthy solution. GOLO can help here too – join our Private Facebook group to talk to other customers who may have the same struggles you. It helps to know that you are not alone!

 4. Be persistent in reaching your goals –– but be kind to yourself!

We encourage people to stay motivated and to be accountable. However, we also highlight the importance of being kind to yourself during the journey. Keep it simple at the beginning. Listen to your body and how you feel when eating certain foods. If you eat off the plan, you can always go back on track with the next meal. Remember: NEVER give up!


GOLO® is committed to providing you with the helpful tips and resources needed for personal success on a lifelong journey of health and wellness. It’s time to become #YourBestYou.

Visit GOLO.com to access all the weight loss tools GOLO has to offer!

1-800-730-GOLO(4656) support@golo.com

GOLO is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any illness or disease. This blog provides general information and discussion about health and wellness related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. GOLO encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. All opinions and articles linked to and from this page are those of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily represent those of GOLO, LLC or its employees. No responsibility can be accepted for any action you take or refrain from taking as a result of viewing this page. GOLO will not be liable for any errors, losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

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