GOLO Recipe Book, Volume One

GOLO strives to show everyone that it’s easy to eat and be healthy… with REAL food! Even if you have never cooked a day in your life or think you “hate” cooking this is the perfect recipe book for you.

With over 80 different recipes using real food, the GOLO Recipe Book keeps you, the busy hard-working person, in mind! Our recipes are not only simple to follow, but use easy to find, affordable ingredients.

The GOLO Recipe Book includes:

Helpful tips to become a great chef, even if you are only a beginner. Easy recipes that cater to anyone’s lifestyle, including the GOLO exclusive SuperFuel recipe.

The GOLO Recipe Book includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner recipes; AND Slow Cooker, Soups, Vegetarian meals and even healthy Coffee Creamer recipes! All recipes follow the GOLO For Life Plan which makes it helpful and easy to see how many proteins, carbs, vegetables and fats are in each recipe.

Picky eater? No problem! These flexible recipes put you in charge, if you don’t like a certain ingredient or you just do not have it on hand you are able to use another one!


Spiral bound

Picture for each recipe

Serving size of each recipe

Dietary information – gluten-free, vegetarian etc.